About Me
Current Engineering Systems Undergraduate with direct Masters Programme (M.Eng (Research)) in SUTD, interested in Business and Data Analytics/Machine Learning, and Applied NLP research. Committed to using NLP and data science as tools for positive societal transformation. Working on Retrieval Augmented Generation in Open-Sourced NLP models. Open to Research Internship opportunities in Europe for 2024/2025, in Applied Deep Learning/NLP.

Master of Engineering (Research), Thesis: Bias in Retrieval Augmented Generation

May 2026 - Dec 2026, Singapore University of Technology and Design | Singapore

Summer Exchange Programme, Berkeley Summer Sessions

Jun 2023 - Aug 2023, University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA

Bachelor of Engineering, Engineering Systems and Design

Sep 2022 - Apr 2026, Singapore University of Technology and Design | Singapore


Undergraduate Research Assistant

Dec 2023 - Present, Social AI Studio | Singapore

Natural Language Processing, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Sep 2022 - Jan 2023, Aviation Studies Institute | Singapore

Project Title: Towards Air Cargo Demand Forecasting for Southeast Asia • Conducted exploratory data analysis in R, SQL, Python under the Aviation Studies Institute to extract key business insights for industry partner, International Air Transport Association (IATA). • Developed initial correlation models for predictive analysis of air cargo demand data. • Project presented to IATA and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore [CAAS] Advisors: Professor Peter Jackson, Director of Aviation Studies Institute (ASI) | Jamie Bloomfield, Lead, Translational Research and Industry Engagement, Aviation Studies Institute (ASI).

Research Intern

Feb 2022 - May 2022, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities | Singapore

Attached in the following projects: • Lee Li Ming Programme in Ageing Urbanism - Elderly Life Activity Space: Environmental, Health and Social Factors Determining Senior Life Spaces in the community (EASE) Explored Urban Planning and Design Techniques, employed Qualitative Research Methodologies to establish the impact of environment, health and social determinants on life spaces in community-dwelling older adults. • Chen Tianqiao Programme on Urban Innovation - Placemaking and Micro Strategies of Place-keeping in Singapore and Bogota Data collection/cleaning/viz techniques in Excel to examine mobility patterns of pedestrians at different times and locations of the day. Utilising this data, we document and understand how and why daily life microstrategies users of public spaces deploy result in placemaking, and how and why some of them might result in place-keeping as well. Advisors: Professorial Fellow, Dr. Belinda Yuen; Research Fellow, Dr. Xin Yang (LKYCIC, SUTD)

Languages, Frameworks
  • Python
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© 2023 Michael Hoon